Hi Everyone,
It has been a long time since I wrote last. I did have a few topics in mind but I have been bounded time constraints. I felt I would not have done justice to the topics if I went ahead and wrote posts without imparting "Quality" into them.
I wrote this prose-poem yesterday night and it is something which I had not planned. What is unique about it is that I typed it out in four to five minutes without thinking twice. Therefore, on one hand, where the poem(near to it) is crude and meandering, on the other hand, it represnts an uniterrupted flow of thought, right from the heart. It started with "Me", managed to touch "I" and came back again. But there was a point where I could not feel the difference between the two. As Robert M. Pirsig puts it, this indeed might have been a point where "Quality" in true sense was achieved, albeit, momentarily.
I have left almost all of the poem unedited and untouched. There of course, have been some tweaks, to make it representable. So, please do not mind the non-capitalized I's and missing punctuation marks. Feel the thought flow through the terrain of your mind and let me now how it felt.
Here goes......
Then i feel i shud talk to someone, talked to mom and talked to sis,
And u have been through enuf of all this.........
I think of people, try to recall names.....
Who would help me douse the flames.........
Flames of doubt, flames of hope
Flames of anger....with which i try to cope......
As soon as my mind reminds me of one..........
All this typing would be undone.....
my fingers think and my mind types......
and suddenly in this conundrum...
i lose all the rhythm....
I want complete silence in complete noise....
what do i want i know, but dont know how to hold on
Hold on if i do what will it take me to....
Random thoughts and random words.....
suddenly they sound all rhyming to me.......
Oh but what is rhyme....
its not in space..its not in time.....
I zoom out and its all coming back....
a moment of peace and the whip of reality cracks..
I look up and see vague thoughts....
My mind is still tied up in knots...........
looks like someone is looking back in the past for the things that are not in the present.Have no idea what is missing but at the same time need it badly.Stroke of silence in all this chaos is what all want.
Seems "Random thoughts and random words" did help you "flush out"!!
Or is your mind still tied up in knots?
hmm fone calls..dey do matter..nyways dont squeeze ur bow...very nicely written. a cmplt rishabh pkg.
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