This reflection needs to be honest, thoughful, careful and ever-changing in nature. Most importantly, it has to come from the "I" within. And that explains the title of this blog.
One reason why I hesitated when it came to writing a blog was that I was not really sure about laying my thoughts on the table. Like every self-professed poet or author, I value my creations a lot and like some of these creative intellectuals, I was not sure whether the readers would relate to my thoughts.
However, I would not lay down all my cards, for one is better off possessing thoughts which he or she is sensitive about. I would like to raise questions, some open-ended, some not so open-ended. I will try and put forward my views on various subjects with the best explanations I can possibly think of. These explanations and views may be logical and at times, may defy logic but still pose a serious question or two.
Pose questions the topics should, for this is what the link to this blog says, "Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum." I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.
Topics would possibly range from the meaning of life to movie and book reviews, sports etc. But there would always be an underlying principle which would govern the discussions, that of provoking thought.
I request all readers to be critical, but at the same time, prudent in expressing their views, suggestions, and sensitive and thoughful in sharing their insight on the topics which will be a part of this blog.
I sincerely hope this effort results in a long-lasting and a "win-win" experience for the readers as well as for "I".
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